人生不如意十之八九 如果要算怎么算也算不完
快乐是一天 不快乐也是一天
如果你真的在乎我 你不会这样对我
Be with you!♥
Monday, 30 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
Review of Fabula Health Products
Decided to finish the very first products review was sent by the Company before CNY.
This time is for the FACE and EYES.
Before i start everything, I'd like to share with my friends some facts about the needs of using a MASK.
Question: What does a mask do to your skin?
Answer: A facial mask cleanses the skin and opens the pores to help to get rid of the blemishes and dark spot.
Question: How often do we need to apply a mask?
Answer: Twice a week will be good.
Few weeks ago, i was received these two Free Trial Masks from FabulaHealth. I have been looking for a good mask to treat my skin concern, many thanks to them for letting me to have this chance.
Oh well, I had tried the face one after few days. There goes my reviews on it.
1. Tranexamic Acid - Skin Lightening.
2. Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate - An anti-inflammatory and conditioning effect.
3. Alpha-Arbutin - Skin produces less melanin, therefore over time, your skin turns lighter.
-How does it work
It claims to whiten skin tone as well as reduce impurities and wrinkles. Enhance skin moisture level for optimum essence absorption, thus, the result, a radiant and purified skin.
-How to use
1. Each mask is composed of three layers of which the middle layer is the bio-cellulose mask.
2. Remove the (white) outer layer and place the essence layer(semi-transparent part) on your skin.
3. Remove the (blue) netted layer and leave only the essence-layer on your face for 20-30 minutes. No need to rinse off after peeling off the mask.
Please avoid using on blemishes, pimples, irritated or sunburned skin.
RM36/ Piece RM135 per box(4pieces)
This is how does it look like when it applies on my skin. The texture is somehow like a jelly. Hmm, kinda special eh? A nice try thou. :)
After 20 mins of waiting time, taaa-daaaa! This was the outcome! Can see the different right? I am so sorry for not taking much photos while doing..
What do I like about this mask:
- The texture, unlike those kinds of made in Taiwan facial masks, this one is easily sticking and it does fit well on my skin so that i can still continue with my work while doing mask and not afraid of when will it happen to drop down.
- The outcome, I can really see the different after i remove it. My skins feel supple, moisturized and glowing! Plus, there's not much essence left after i peeling off the mask! That is all i need.
- I was surprised to have this cooling sensation. Simply love it, how relaxing!
-It's fragrance free and additive free. I am more towards natural products.
What don't I like about this mask:
- The material, it's not so easy to take out from the packaging and to put it on the skin thou there's some instructions on the packaging. As if it took me a few minute to put it nicely on my skin.
- It does contain Paraben. Not to mention, i seldom use products that contain parabens.
After the following week, i gave the eye mask a try.
1.Sodium Hyaluronate - helps your skin bring and absorb more water more effectively. On top of that, it reduces any sort of trans-epidermal water loss.
2.Ginkgo Bibola Leaf Extract - Helps to increase circulation, prevent capilary fragility and helps to boost collagen formulation.
3. Chondrus Crispus Extract - Soften skin.
-How does it work
It claims to tighten skin under eye area as well as remove flaws and wrinkles. Enhance skin moisture level for essence absorption, thus, the result, a tender, radiant and firm skin.
-How to use
1. Each mask is composed of three layers of which the middle layer is the bio-cellulose mask.
2. Remove the (white) outer layer and place the essence layer(semi-transparent part) underneath your eyes.
3. Remove the (blue) netted layer and leave only the essence-layer on your face for 20-30 minutes. No need to rinse off after peeling off the mask.
RM16 / Pair RM58 per box (4 pairs)
I will only show you how does it look like. Sad to say, my concern is not about anti-aging is more towards dark circles. So i don't really see any result after using it. In face, eye products take time to see the result as our underneath eye areas are very thin. Shall try the anti-dark circles one next time!
What do i like this eye mask:
- Once again, i really like the texture from Fabula Health. It's easily sticking underneath my eyes and you feel like nothing putting on it.
- The cooling sensation!
- It's fragrance free and additives free!
What don't i like this eyes mask:
- It doesn't meet my concern so i can't really see the effect.
- The material, it's like when i took out from the packaging i thought i would destroy it, it seems too fragile. Three layers, maybe too much for the first try.
- It does contain paraben.
Lastly, i need to thank to Fabula Health to give me this chance to try out your products! Much appreciated. The reason i love products trying before i recommend to my friends is i am able to try out every different products with different texture, ingredient and to see the desired outcome! Feel free to drop me any samples or tester, i would definitely happy to give them a try and share with my friends! Thanks in advance and wishing everyone a happy new year! May the dragon year brings happiness, health, prosperity as well as wealth to all of you! HUAT ah!
Thursday, 19 January 2012
这两天忙着找工作 还真累
可以不可以不要做工 或者是在家做工 又有钱赚?
哈哈 我很懒
send了很多履历表 不知道会不会被reject
最好不要啦 我想去interview我apply的所有工作才决定哪一个适合我
大部分是因为我喜欢工作环境 内容 还有可以用自家的产品
也顺便保佑丽文 一起找到喜欢的 gucci会录取你 哈哈
嗯 明天该收到的人就会收到了 哈哈 希望来得及
可以不可以不要做工 或者是在家做工 又有钱赚?
哈哈 我很懒
send了很多履历表 不知道会不会被reject
最好不要啦 我想去interview我apply的所有工作才决定哪一个适合我
大部分是因为我喜欢工作环境 内容 还有可以用自家的产品
也顺便保佑丽文 一起找到喜欢的 gucci会录取你 哈哈
嗯 明天该收到的人就会收到了 哈哈 希望来得及
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
一对情人在一起太久了解了更多 摩擦更多
还是快点结婚好 ==
结婚不是不好 只是结婚不是办家家酒
也要等经济能力那些稳定了 才可以进入婚姻
我很期待我的婚礼 我想要很浪漫很幸福爆表的婚礼
在婚礼之前 我的求婚一定要很浪漫很浪漫
阿 想太多?
所以在2012年 我要改
不是不发脾气 是在对的时候发脾气
阿 感觉很难酱 哈哈
算一算 我总共有4双新鞋 5套睡衣 15套以上的新衣 etc
真的是在家没事做 就是买衣服 穷爆了
感觉很不习惯 而且看不到男朋友
你最好不要乱乱来 我跟你讲 我的第六感很强的
今年会回麻坡 没做工真好 要去哪里就去哪里
下个月中要上吉隆坡去面试 在烦恼要做什么工要怎么去
祝我成功阿 是时候赚点钱了
龙年要HUAT! 什么都顺利 身体健康 赚大钱 和我的男朋友相亲相爱
一对情人在一起太久了解了更多 摩擦更多
还是快点结婚好 ==
结婚不是不好 只是结婚不是办家家酒
也要等经济能力那些稳定了 才可以进入婚姻
我很期待我的婚礼 我想要很浪漫很幸福爆表的婚礼
在婚礼之前 我的求婚一定要很浪漫很浪漫
阿 想太多?
所以在2012年 我要改
不是不发脾气 是在对的时候发脾气
阿 感觉很难酱 哈哈
算一算 我总共有4双新鞋 5套睡衣 15套以上的新衣 etc
真的是在家没事做 就是买衣服 穷爆了
感觉很不习惯 而且看不到男朋友
你最好不要乱乱来 我跟你讲 我的第六感很强的
今年会回麻坡 没做工真好 要去哪里就去哪里
下个月中要上吉隆坡去面试 在烦恼要做什么工要怎么去
祝我成功阿 是时候赚点钱了
龙年要HUAT! 什么都顺利 身体健康 赚大钱 和我的男朋友相亲相爱
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
不要问 不要说 一切尽在不言中
好像赶快做工 可是姐姐的baby要生了 我想看看他
现在很纠结 到底怎么办才好
现在很多想法 一个晚上就领悟到了很多东西
-是我的就是我的 不要想那么多。
好像赶快做工 可是姐姐的baby要生了 我想看看他
现在很纠结 到底怎么办才好
现在很多想法 一个晚上就领悟到了很多东西
-是我的就是我的 不要想那么多。
Sunday, 15 January 2012
It takes two hands to clap
我不喜欢说故事 我也不擅长说故事
什么都不要问 谢谢
什么都不要问 谢谢
Saturday, 14 January 2012
it hurts
一旦爆发了 就一发不可收拾
可是你给我的态度 回应是什么
我欠你的吗 是这样吗
你不要来就算了 现在放下身段去了还给我attitude
我只是一个女人 况且吉隆坡不像新加坡那样安全方便
我一个人 可以吗 你真的以为那么容易吗
叫我去买车 拜托 你要我去哪里找那么多钱
我真的没有你想象中的那么有钱 知道吗
你说我的态度不好 是我真的很pekcek了
以前都选择放在心里 事情过了就算
现在的我不一样了 我不希望什么事情都不说
没有用 那样的我根本不快乐 不幸福
我很依赖男朋友 也经常妄想每天都可以见到彼此
可是我的他必须要工作 所以这两年来我们都相隔两地
放假的前后一定做工到很累很累 有谁知道我为的不就是见他一面
再辛苦也值得阿 做工的这一年半 你来的次数也只是区区的一次
就那么一次 我想如果我没有过去找你 你是不是也不会过来
我可以不要什么荣华富贵 那都不是最重要的 我也跟你说过了
现在我只要你 一句话 做不做得到?
我现在很认真在想 远距离恋爱真的适合我 适合你 吗
一旦爆发了 就一发不可收拾
可是你给我的态度 回应是什么
我欠你的吗 是这样吗
你不要来就算了 现在放下身段去了还给我attitude
我只是一个女人 况且吉隆坡不像新加坡那样安全方便
我一个人 可以吗 你真的以为那么容易吗
叫我去买车 拜托 你要我去哪里找那么多钱
我真的没有你想象中的那么有钱 知道吗
你说我的态度不好 是我真的很pekcek了
以前都选择放在心里 事情过了就算
现在的我不一样了 我不希望什么事情都不说
没有用 那样的我根本不快乐 不幸福
我很依赖男朋友 也经常妄想每天都可以见到彼此
可是我的他必须要工作 所以这两年来我们都相隔两地
放假的前后一定做工到很累很累 有谁知道我为的不就是见他一面
再辛苦也值得阿 做工的这一年半 你来的次数也只是区区的一次
就那么一次 我想如果我没有过去找你 你是不是也不会过来
我可以不要什么荣华富贵 那都不是最重要的 我也跟你说过了
现在我只要你 一句话 做不做得到?
我现在很认真在想 远距离恋爱真的适合我 适合你 吗
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Sunday, 8 January 2012
hard feeling
Thou i have every best thing with me, but if i don't have a good health, what is the benefit of owning them? I am sorry for my bad emotional again, out of my expectation.
Whether to study English while working to make a self-improvement, to prove to the people i could actually able to speak in fluent English and even writing so! Which to choose? British Council or ELS? Which is better? Any advice?
One thing can brighten up my day is my iphone is back in normal! Yeah, i am able to take photos, upload photos and browse safari and so on! It's all because of the iOS5.0.1!! I think part of the reasons kept my phone having problems is due to the overdue of the usage! Too much of application were working at the same time so everything happened. LOL.
Owel, i have received free trial masques for both face and eyes from FabulaHealth! Just tried the face masque this after and surprisingly the outcome is good. Will update once i try the eyes one!
Time to sleep. Nights peeps!
Whether to study English while working to make a self-improvement, to prove to the people i could actually able to speak in fluent English and even writing so! Which to choose? British Council or ELS? Which is better? Any advice?
One thing can brighten up my day is my iphone is back in normal! Yeah, i am able to take photos, upload photos and browse safari and so on! It's all because of the iOS5.0.1!! I think part of the reasons kept my phone having problems is due to the overdue of the usage! Too much of application were working at the same time so everything happened. LOL.
Owel, i have received free trial masques for both face and eyes from FabulaHealth! Just tried the face masque this after and surprisingly the outcome is good. Will update once i try the eyes one!
Time to sleep. Nights peeps!
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Hello 2012 !
Goodbye the worst ever 2011, hello to the lovely 2012!
How was your CNE going? I went to Singapore with my mum and relatives! We went on the Eve and felt surprise that there's no jam at all! So after arrived at my aunt's house, we went to Bugis. Didn't plan to go Bugis Street with 'em, just sitting inside the Kiehl's Store at Bugis Junction while waiting for friend. The night was still young, so after the firework and countdown sessions at Marina Bay Sands, 6 of us went Casino! The very first time ever since i started working in Singapore 4 years ago. LOL. Don't think of going back again as my money has gone.. sob sob.. Not to mention, i can't believe that I was so crazy can stay up till 6am the next day!
Woke up at 12 noon but still tired like hell. Went out for lunch then heading over Chinatown and Sentosa! The night show was just awesome and yet we went Casino AGAIN! Good to say, i won back some money wey:) At least i won't feel that heart pain! Shall quit gambling and do more shopping instead,eh?
Back on Monday afternoon time, yeah, custom was very smooth! xD Went over KSL to find the lovely boy and doing nothing at the same time! Seriously, i have enough new clothes for the coming CNY so no point for non-stop shopping! Gonna start working from next month.. Which job should i choose?? Stick back to Kiehl's? SG, JB or KL?? Anyone can decide for me?
I am suffering with the mosquitoes bites! Wonder where were the mosquitoes coming from?!! Freaking itchy can!
By the way, are your resolutions of 2012 out? Mine has out, yeah! 80% to be accomplished, Okay? All the best, Daphne. Wishing myself a best health, luck and wealth in 2012! A great year ahead!
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